Dress Code


School dress requirements are tangible evidence of the standards expected of students while at Excelsior Primary School.

A school uniform:-

  • Teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance;
  • Promotes a safe and healthy learning environment;
  • Boosts school spirit and has a positive effect on students and teachers;
  • Promotes safety of students through easier identification;
  • Keeps cost of clothing within reasonable limits for parents;
  • Assists students to learn the importance of appropriate presentation; and
  • Minimises peer pressure about how students look.

Dress requirements play an important role in promoting a positive image of the school and creating a sense of identity among students. It is an expectation that students representing our school in Choir, Sport teams and other activities with other schools or in public situations are suitably attired in school uniform.

Being suitably groomed is part of the process by which students learn to engage with adults, future employers and the community.


Student footwear will be safe and appropriate for school activities. Sneakers, sandals or enclosed shoes are required, ie, no ugg boots, other boots, massage sandals, etc.

Thongs, scuffs and slip-ons are not considered appropriate and are not allowed. Exceptions may be made for special lessons, eg, swimming lessons.

Footwear worn should preferably be predominantly blue, black or white. While current fashion trends promote loud colours and flimsy slip on shoes, these are not part of the school uniform and are not suitable for school.


Students are expected to wear school uniform which includes:

  • Navy shorts, skorts, skirts or track pants,
  • School polo shirt,
  • Navy zip jacket or school jacket

Faction shirts and Year 6 Graduation shirts are available and can be worn when required.

Leggings may only be worn under school clothing (not on their own) and should be dark blue or black.

Denim is excluded from the School Dress Code.

Any additional clothing worn eg, winter jackets, should be consistent with the school colours and should not have large logos.

Parents will be contacted if this issue becomes a problem for the child.

On occasions, the nature of excursions or programs will determine the nature of dress requirements. Parents will be notified well in advance.

Uniform Ordering is available online http://www.tarauniforms.com.au/


Hair should be neat and secured away from the face. Hair that is shoulder length or longer is to be tied back. This is a health and safety issue. Students with fringes will be asked to keep hair from their eyes and faces.

Coloured hair is only acceptable for designated fundraisers such as ‘Crazy Hair Day’ and sports carnivals where hair is coloured at home. Coloured hair is not acceptable at any other time.

Hair ties and headbands should be predominantly in school colours and should have no bows or flowers bigger than 10cm. Large hair decorations are not part of school uniform and hinder the wearing of a hat. 


Although discouraged, where jewellery is worn, it must not pose a danger or interfere with the child’s performance of school activities. Small studs, sleepers and watches are acceptable, while costume jewellery is not considered appropriate.


In the interests of child health and well-being, we have a ‘No Hat No Sun’ Policy, endorsed by the School Board, for the whole school year.

Broad brimmed school hats are compulsory for all students. These hats are to stay at school and must be worn for recess, lunch, Sport and Phys Ed lessons.

Students must leave their school hats at school and may wear their own hats to and from school.

General Information

Makeup and nail polish are considered inappropriate and unnecessary for school. Students will be asked to clean this off and parents will be notified.

Parents are requested to name all clothing items that children wear to school. Our lost property bin is usually full of new, unnamed clothing.

As with any school incident involving a child, parents will be notified if he/she is continuously refusing to follow the Excelsior Dress Code and this has developed into a concern for that child.

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