Bicycles, skateboards, scooters and ripsticks
The National Safety Council does not recommend children under the age of nine riding a bike to school on their own.
Bike helmets are compulsory by law and must be worn.
While bike racks are available, the school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles, skateboards, scooters and ripsticks.
Children will need to ensure their bikes and scooters are locked to the bike racks which are located off Bridge Road near the roundabout and near the Dental Therapy Centre, not in classrooms.
For safety reasons bikes and scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds. Once students enter the school grounds they are to walk their bikes to the bike racks, then secure their bikes and leave the area immediately. The same rules apply to scooters. Consequences may apply to children who consistently ignore these simple safety rules. Parents will be notified.
Parking near school
Download a copy of the City of Gosnells Your guide to parking.
Kiss and drive
The Kiss and Drive is located at the rear of the school on Cordata Street and is designed for parents to enter, drop children off and then continue on their way. It is not for parking and leaving your car, even if only for 2 minutes, or for sitting in your car for 10 minutes. The services entrance in Cordata Street is a dangerous area for all students arriving and leaving school. It is not to be used – especially as a turn around area.
There is a two minute stopping time limit in the Kiss and Drive. If your children are not waiting to enter the car, please exit the Kiss and Drive and do a lap of the block before returning to pick up your children so that the traffic is kept flowing.
We regularly get complaints about parents not using the Kiss and Drive properly which causes dangerous problems for other students and parents. The City of Gosnells has released a guide to parent parking which is available on our website.
Children are asked not to stand too close to the kerb while waiting for their parents. The safety of our children is much more important than you getting to your next destination a minute or two earlier!
The circular driveway inside the staff car park off Bridge Road is NOT a pick up area, except for out-of-school care buses. It is there so that staff may enter and exit the school safely.
The Gosnells Ranger is a regular visitor to the school during peak traffic times and will issue infringement notices, and fines, to parent who are illegally parking.
Dogs on school premises
In order to maintain the safety of all our students, dogs are not permitted on school grounds during school times. This also applies if the dog is on a leash. The oval may be used as an exercise area after school hours but owners are requested to always clean up after their dogs.