Specialists Programmes

Teachers at Excelsior PS offer a range of special programs for children with specific interests and/or talents. In 2021 the following programs will be offered:

  • Instrumental Music Program – provides talented students with an opportunity to receive weekly lessons on a musical instrument (trumpet, clarinet) through the School of Instrumental Music.
  • School Choir – The music specialist, leads students in the school choir. Students attend choir before school and perform at numerous events during the year.
  • Recorder Ensemble, including wind instruments – trumpet, clarinet, trombone, flute – Talented senior students are invited to be part of the Instrumental Ensemble.
  • Morning Fitness – during the week from 8:20am,  our Phys Ed specialist, encourages all students to join her in a jog or brisk walk around the school oval. It gets the heart pumping and the brain working, ready for students to go to their classes at 8:30am, focused for the day.


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