School Hours & Attendance


Start of Day 8:40am
Lunch 12:00pm
Finish 2:50pm

Pre-primary – Year 6

Classrooms open 8:30am
Start of Day 8:40am
Recess 10:40am – 11.00am
Lunch 1:00pm – 1:40pm
Finish 2:50pm

All classrooms are open from 8:30am to encourage students to be organised and prepared for the day.

Attending school

Parents are reminded that it is compulsory by law to send your child to school from Pre-primary. While Kindergarten is not compulsory, it is preferred that your child has regular attendance on their rostered days. Rolls are taken daily for all children from K-6 and this information is used by the school and by the Department of Education to monitor attendance levels in every school across the state. Attendance is a key objective of the Department of Education and your child’s attendance pattern is established from Kindergarten. Parents are asked to contact the school by sending a message to our SMS Hotline for absentees 0438 936 827 before 9.00am if your child is likely to be absent on that day.

SMS Hotline for absentee 0438 936 827.

Medical certificates may be required to explain prolonged absences. The Deputy Principal who is monitoring attendance will contact parents when a reasonable explanation has not been received by the school in a timely manner.

If children are late for school, they should report to the office where they will receive a late slip. Children should also bring a note stating the reason for their lateness, unless they are attending a school organised activity (eg. choir, sports, PEAC, Numero).

Parents are asked not to send their children before 8.30am. All children who arrive at school before 8.30am must sit quietly in the Undercover Area where they are supervised by a member of the Administration Team. Parents accompanying children are also requested to sit in the undercover area with their children. Supervision of children can only be guaranteed after 8.15am and only in the Undercover Area.

Absence from school

If your child is away from school an explanation is needed stating the reason for the absence. A message via the SMS Absentee Hotline on 0438 936 827 is the preferred method for our records. Notification may also be through a phone call to the office, written note or email. Please advise the school or teacher of absences, where possible, in advance (eg appointments). Parents who do not account for the absence of their child will be contacted via SMS message or by school office staff to provide an explanation.

If you have to take your child out of the school grounds during the school day you will need to collect a Leave Pass for Partial Absence from School from the office. This pass must be handed to the teacher when you collect your child from the class.

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