Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)

About Our P & C

The Excelsior Primary School P&C is a volunteer organisation of enthusiastic parents that work closely with the school to enhance the learning environment and facilities for the benefit of all students.

Our P&C provides the opportunity to come together, share information and views, to help support the needs and aspirations of our students and the school community by raising funds to provide extra resources.

The dedication of the committee and volunteers has provided our school with invaluable donations and events for the students. Our members come from all areas of the school community with a range of different skills and backgrounds.

Fundraising & Canteen

Our P&C is involved in activities such as:

  • Organising and managing school community events such as the Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls, Fun Runs and School Discos.
  • Seeking support and resources through sponsorship and fundraising, as well as liaising with local government representatives.
  • New members are always welcome! For more information, please email the P&C here or follow our updates on the Excelsior Primary P&C Facebook page.

We also manage the School’s Canteen program which is open on Thursdays and Fridays every week. Parents can place orders online via QuickCliq in advance and up to 8:45am the day your child’s lunch is required or in person from the Canteen located in the undercover area of the school.

P&C Executive Committee

All office bearer roles are for one year and are elected at the Annual General Meeting at the beginning of each school year. Your representatives for 2024 are:

President: Amie C.

Vice President: Marie B.

Secretary: Michelle S.

Treasurer: Rachel B.

All members can be contacted via the P&C here or follow our updates on the Excelsior Primary P&C Facebook page.

2024 Meetings

P&C meetings are held twice a term in the Staff Room at the school. The meetings are restricted to one hour and are high on information and decision making. Please view the school calendar on the right for upcoming meeting dates and times.

Meetings provide a forum where parents can openly communicate with the Principal and P&C committee members, plus learn more about the school.

The P&C Annual General Meeting is held at the start of each school year and is when office bearers are elected. This includes President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer roles.

Want to know more?

To find out more about the community events and fundraising activities that our P&C organises or if you are interested in joining us, please email us at for further information.

We are always looking to discover the talents and skills that are hidden within our school community, and hope that you can share those for the benefit of our school!

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