Contributions & Charges

The cost of schooling such as instruction, administration and school buildings is met by government funding. A school’s budget can be supplemented by (for example) special grants, local fundraising, sponsorship and community use of school facilities. In addition, the Education Act (1999) and the School Regulations (2000) allow schools to prescribe certain contributions and charges to further enhance a student’s learning experiences. Parents are notified about these at the end of the school year for the following year and the school greatly appreciates the prompt payment of these when requested.


Schools can request up to a maximum voluntary contribution of $60.00 for Years K – 6. While the contribution is voluntary, funds are put towards the cost of materials, services and facilities used by all students in the educational program.

The School Board has set the voluntary contribution at $60.00 per student per year. This may be paid in one payment or in several instalments.  The voluntary contribution maximises the quality of the teaching and learning programs offered by the school.

Payments can be made through the school office using EFTPOS, cash or cheques made payable to Excelsior Primary School or alternatively Direct Debit: BSB Number 066040 and account 19900479 with reference being your child’s name.  Contributions are also included in the booklists to make payment easier.

The P & C also ask for a voluntary contribution of $30.00 per family.


The term ‘charges’ refers to the provision of extra cost, optional activities which are part of the educational program that contributions do not cover. Listed in the table below are the optional, extra cost activities in which students may have the opportunity to participate in. If no payment is received, an alternative educational program with a similar outcome will be provided for that student.

The estimated charges that are provided are an upper limit and yearly costs will not exceed this amount. Teachers may organise excursions and incursions as appropriate to support teaching and learning programs.

Payment will be requested during the year when the event takes place. If a particular event does not occur within the school year no charge for that event will apply.

If you have any difficulties paying any contributions or charges, please contact the school. We appreciate any enquiry and it will be kept confidential.

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