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Class Awards Ceremony
Undercover Area 63 Shreeve Road, CANNING VALE - WA, WA, AustraliaStart - 9am in Undercover Area
Year 6 Graduation Ceremony
Undercover Area 63 Shreeve Road, CANNING VALE - WA, WA, AustraliaStart - 9am in Undercover Area
Year 6 Rockingham Foreshore Excursion
Rockingham ForeshoreClass Parties
See your child's class teacher for more information.
Last day of Term 4 for students
Last day of school for students.
Office Reopens
Our office will reopen on Wednesday 29th January at 8:00am
Staff Development Day
Students do not attend school on these days
Term 1 Commences for Students
Excelsior Primary SchoolP & C AGM
StaffroomP & C AGM will be held in the school staff room commencing at 2:00pm.