Arriving at school early

Children who arrive at school before 8.30am must go directly to the undercover area and sit quietly. They do not deposit school bags at classrooms. Supervision can only be guaranteed in the undercover area after 8.15am. An exception to this is when children are attending a school organised activity (e.g. choir, sports).

Even if parents are with their children, we ask that all children (and parents) move to the assembly area on arrival at school and wait there until dismissed by the duty teacher. Duty of Care requirements determine that children should be all together in one area before school begins.

For safety reasons, students are not permitted to play sport or run around at this time in the undercover area. Students are, however, encouraged to walk or run around the oval in groups when advised by school staff, as part of the school’s fitness routines. This usually occurs just before students are released to classes at 8:30am.

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